What to do if you lose a temporary crown

What is a temporary crown?

Your teeth are prone to wear and tear over time. Besides the normal aging process, decay, teeth grinding, and trauma can cause damage to your teeth. The good news is that the dentist near you can fix this problem by providing a crown to support the weak tooth. Before the permanent crown is made, the dentist might recommend a temporary crown. A temporary crown is more delicate than the permanent one, so you will need to be careful during the time that you have it inside your mouth. Below you will find all the needed information about a temporary crown and how smoking affects it.

When Do You Require a Temporary Crown?

When you have a decayed or damaged tooth and go to the dentist who provides dental crowns in Los Angeles, they may recommend a dental crown. To make a perfect crown, the dentist must take impressions or scan your affected tooth.

Here is the dental crown procedure:

First, the dentist examines the affected tooth, which involves taking x-rays and molding the tooth. The next step is crown preparation. In this step, the dentist shapes the tooth to desired measurements to make space for the future crown. After the dentist is satisfied with the preparation, an impression is made of the tooth and will be sent to the dental lab. It will usually take 2-3 weeks for the dental lab to fabricate and return the permanent crown. Here is where the dentist will place the temporary crown on the prepped tooth. The temporary crown is made of the tooth color material using the same mold that was taken from the tooth before preparation and will be cemented using temporary cement. You have to wait 30 min before you start eating after cementation.

Here are the uses of a temporary crown:

  • Reduces tooth sensitivity and protects the tooth from constant exposure to saliva that can cause inflammation or even pain.
  • It helps you in chewing and eating well.
  • Helps the dentist know how the permanent crown will work.
  • Helps you to have your social life and smile and talk properly when the prepped tooth is on the front
  • Helps maintain enough spacing between teeth and prevents shifting adjacent teeth
  • Shaping gum tissue. It prevents the overgrowth of gum tissue around the prepped tooth, The gum overgrowth will result in issues with the placement of the permanent crown.

How Long Do You Stay with A Temporary Crown?

The time you will stay with your temporary crown depends on the work needed to make the permanent crown and the technology available in the dental office. Some dental offices have state-of-the-art machines that can make a permanent crown in a day.

Foods And Drinks to Avoid with Temporary Crown

  • Hard foods like granola, ice, and hard candy.
  • Extremely cold or hot foods.
  • Tough foods like hard bread and steak.
  • Sticky foods such as gum, caramel, and taffy.

Apart from avoiding the mentioned foods, it is recommended to chew on the opposite side of your mouth. Chewing on the opposite side will prevent damaging the temporary crown or dislodging it. So, if you have a damaged tooth, visit Brentwood Dental Art, and our dentist will fix your oral issue and provide a tooth crown if it’s the most suitable treatment option.

What to do if you lose a temporary crown

Your temporary crown must be recemented as soon as possible and before the changes happen to your prepped tooth.  These changes can happen within only a day of losing your temporary crown. Contact your dentist’s office immediately to schedule a recommendation.

In case you could not get hold of your dentist, purchase a temporary cement from a pharmacy.

Clean and remove all temporary cement from the inside of the temporary crown. Try the temporary on the tooth and see how it fits before applying the cement. After you figured out how to place the crown in the correct direction, place a thin layer of temporary cement inside the temporary and place it on the tooth in the correct direction and press it down and gently bite on it until the cement is set. Now gently remove the excess cement using a toothpick or toothbrush.

Can I brush or floss the temporary crown?

The answer is yes. You can brush and floss your temporary crowns. Just be very careful. It is better to use a soft toothbrush and brush very gently. Do not floss up and down with a temporary crown. Instead, move the floss from the top of the tooth and then remove the floss by pulling it out from the side. Also, irrigation with mouthwash or warm Salt-water is Ok and will soothe the gum tissue inflammation.

Can I smoke with a temporary crown?

It is essential to note that smoking is not healthy for your oral health, whether you have a temporary crown or not. So, is it safe to smoke with a temporary crown? The truth is that if you have a temporary crown, your tooth is vulnerable, and smoking can sabotage your tooth health. The first drawback of smoking with a temporary crown is delayed healing of gums around the toot, especially in case of gum soreness or bleeding after prep. Cigarettes have harmful products that affect blood flow in your gums. So, when you smoke with a temporary crown, you deprive your gums of enough oxygen, which means delayed healing. Another complication of smoking with a temporary crown is discoloration. Although permanent crowns are stain-resistant, the same cannot be said about temporary crowns. If you smoke frequently, you will notice that your temporary crown is stained, and it might take weeks to get your permanent crown.